Friday, August 23, 2013

Family Lore Tuesday on Friday: "Kitchen Nightmare"

Sorry I was absent the last couple of days; I've been busy with work, recordings, and frustration during said recordings. Lots of frustration... I'll talk about that in a different post. Anyway, here's Tuesday's family lore.

My family is one that you could consider for the most part normal. That being said, we do have our share of funny stories and happenings. From siblings, to parents, and to grandparents and further back, we each have our own moments.

Today's lore is one of my own moments.

I'm considered a rather decent cook. But, that wasn't always the case. When I first cooked without help, it wasn't pretty. My mother had bought a pancake maker, an interesting appliance, but impractical. It was only able to make up to two pancakes at a time (whereas, a griddle, which I own, can make up to eight pancakes at once). Let's just say that I couldn't figure it out too well at first... Anywho, I made a mess;  some most of the pancakes were either burnt or all over the counter in the form of spilled batter. The result: Two edible pancakes. Only TWO! For three people, my mother, grandmother, and me. They were...amazed to say the least. That's not all, though; I then suggested sharing the two pancakes between the three of us. I think they were trying their hardest not to laugh while seeing that abomination, and after that suggestion, it became even more difficult. Afterwards, they helped out, or rather, took over, while I cleaned up.

I know it sounds boring, but it's all about the moment. Or rather, in this case the moments. This was my first time cooking and I made a ridiculous mess. Then, I suggested splitting up what food survived that comedy of errors. That's what its all about. That's how this event became family lore. On the plus side, I did get better at cooking afterward, albeit, I learned the hard way. So that's something to say the least.

Anyway, that's this weeks story. Until next time, God bless.

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